Ons glo: Elke kind het die reg om spesiaal vir iemand te wees.
Ons glo: Ouers is die pimêre opvoeders van hul kinders.
Ons glo: Ons is vennote in die opvoeding
Ons glo: Ons luister na ouers en glo in ons kinders. Ek gee om.
Ons glo: Kinders is sterk en vol potensiaal.
Ons glo: Kinders is nie "leë houers" of "skoon bladsye wit papier nie"
Ons glo: Ons het "EK KAN" kinders.
Ons glo: Kinders moet gemotiveer word om te leer.
Ons glo: Kinders moet toegelaat word om foute te maak.
Ons glo: Kinders leer deur hul foute.
Ons glo: Leergeleenthede moet rondom probleme beplan word.
Ons glo: Probleem oplossings is een van die vernaamste leermetodes.
Ons glo: Kreatiewe denke is belangrik vir die ontwikkeling van probleemoplossings.
Ons glo: Leerders moet gelei word om keuses te maak, en verantwoordelikheid vir hulle keuses aanvaar.
"I want my children to understand the world, but not just because the world is fascinating and the human mind is curious.
I want them to understand it, so they will be positioned to make the world a better place.
Knowledge is not the same as morality, but we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions.
An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are, and what we can do...
Ultimately we must synthesize our understanding for ourselves.
the performance of understanding that try matters, are the ones we carry out as human beings in an imperfect world, which we can affect for good or for ill."
Howard Gardener 1999: 180-181